This website was initially created from a series of tutorials that can be found here. Over time, the Admin researched and implemented new features like comments, a real-time chat, secure user registration, a live news feed and so much more in the back-end that helps keep this website up and running. As new features were implemented, emphasis was put on getting working versions out as quickly as possible. Consequently, this site's graphic design and layout have not received as much attention. The site's administrator invites you to explore the different features and give feedback on your experience. Suggestions and other random thoughts are always welcome through this site's 'post' feature, or to the email below.
About this website
- Corey Schafer for his set of tutorials that started it all.
- Sandeep Sudkaharan for his video on creating a live chat application with Flask-Socketio.
- Miguel Grinberg for his tutorial on adding Flask-Migrate to a project, so we don't need to reset the database each time we want to add a new feature.
- Linode for hosting this site.
- Sendgrid for its email service.
- Namecheap for this site's domain name.
- Surfing Waves for their RSS feed widget, and Silicon Republic for its news articles.
- IPinfo for its IP information service.
- Google for its ReCaptcha service on the registration page.
- The guys over at Yoder Blog who give much-needed feedback and support.
- The thousands of developers on Stack Overflow who have answered countless programming questions over the years.
- ChatGPT for helping me with almost every aspect of this site.
Check out some of our other resources at the links below: